8. Content Management

Finally, we come to Content Management. I've put this last (but not least) as a reminder that it is usually either an afterthought, or completely overlooked as a key part of the Enablement Framework.

A 2018 survey showed that a majority of reps interviewed thought they could be 20% more productive with quick access to up to date sales content.

Even taking that number with a large grain of salt, there is a HUGE amount of time being spent (wasted) by reps, SDRs, BDRs, Success teams and Support searching and searching and searching for the latest and greatest:

  • Decks and slides
  • Battlecards
  • Stories and proof points
  • Use Cases
  • Messaging
  • Vertical-specific content
  • Best Practice content
  • Training and tutorials
  • Product knowledge

As I said above in the Toolset and Infrastructure page, and because the content flows across functions, I usually recommend an Enterprise CM approach. Having separate content stores for Sales, Marketing, Learning, Product and Support can work up to a point, but sooner or later an integrated system will be needed.

In any case, the Content Strategy needs to holistic and systematic from the beginning.