1. Communicate the Vision

Your enablement Vision needs to answer the question: why?

  • Why this product?
  • Why this market?
  • Why this Go To Market strategy?
  • Why this org structure?
  • Why this methodology?
  • Why this comp plan?

Okay, maybe that's too detailed, but you get my point.

Vision may be communicated as a set of values, as suggested in Elay Cohen's book SalesHood. The point is to have a common rationale behind the overall enablement approach.

The vision can be generated top-down, bottom-up or hybrid of both. However, the enablement vision should align and support overall organizational goals for revenue, customer and employee sat, shareholder value, etc. as set by leadership.

The value of having a clear Enablement Vision, and communicating it constantly, is that it helps inspire and align sales and supporting teams and informs decisions in the subsequent seven components of the Enablement Framework.